Monday, August 13, 2012

EO Bombs! Kill Common Skin Viruses with Ugly Names Like Wart & Skin Tag!

Don't hate the frog, it's tough being green.

But, it's tougher dealing with common warts or skin tags, annoying pests that they are!  The good news is, they're easy to remedy with a few mighty EO Bombs!

Common warts and plantar warts are actually viruses, that's why they're so difficult to get rid of...permanently.  Essential oils however,  are VERY effective in killing viruses, more so than traditional OTC remedies, because EOs can penetrate cell walls where antibiotics cannot.

Oregano is a powerful EO!  CPTG Oregano is one to be handled carefully as it's a hot oil and can burn normal tissue.  However, when dabbed on warts and skin tags, it will become your new BFF!

Frankincense is the great enhancer!

Layer this EO with milder, gentler oils like lavender or lemon and it creates a powerful duo.  These are wonderful combos for kids!

Lemon EO is a basic EO that everyone should have in their medicine cabinet!  One of the least expensive oils with a broad spectrum of attributes!  Lemon is wonderful for healing and drying out cold sores too!

Lavender is a special EO with wonderful, gentle qualities.  This EO is particularly great for kids and babies.  When in doubt use lavender, it's highly effective and easy to use on everyone! 

Any one of these EOs or any combination will knock those nasty viruses out of your system with consistent use until symptoms are gone! 

Bombs Away!!

How to apply:

Apply morning and night.  If using Oregano, use a Qtip to dab one drop of on affected area...this will give you good control of application.  Oregano is a hot oil so you won't want to spread it around.  Skin tags fall off quickly with Oregano, you'll be impressed!  Wart removal can take several weeks depending on how large it is underneath the skin.

For kids:  Lavender or lemon works wonderfully too!  Apply morning and night and don't cover with a bandaid, it's important to let the area breathe.  Also, it's convenient to put the EO in a roll-on bottle so kids can apply themselves...they like taking charge :)

See how easy wart removal can be with pure EOs?  No more burning, freezing or invasive surgery...just a few precious drops of 100% pure essential oils for natural, gentle bombing of warts and skin tags once and for all!

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