Sunday, August 5, 2012

Survival Kit for Teachers & College Students

The first day of school is just around the corner!
(A happy day for many, a dreaded day for some)

 Attention all teachers and college students, make this year clean, healthy and fragrant by arming yourselves with 2 things designed to make your lives lovelier and healthier!

Sani ~ Wipes!
(infused with fragrant, antibacterial, antiviral, antiseptic doTERRA Lavender & Lemon EO's)

You're going to appreciate the versatility of these "good for you" DIY wipes!  Not only is the fragrance mind'll be sanitizing and softening your hands in one fell swoop.  Naturally.  The compact box is perfect for your desk or workspace too.

Here's what you need for your Sani-Wipes:

1.  Wipe box - make sure the box approx. 6 1/2" wide.
{TIP} Use the store bought wipes on the workbench, in the camp box or keep them in the car, store in a zip lock bag!)
2.  Bounty Quilted Napkins: Nice, thick and worth it!
3.  doTERRA Essential Oils:  Lavender and Lemom
4.  Coconut Oil
5.  Water
6.  Rubbing Alcohol or Vodka

Cut napkins in half starting at the fold.  
Pile up 50 to 60 halved napkins and place in box.

Mix together:

1  1/2 C. very warm water
1  tablespoon coconut oil
1  teaspoon alcohol
3  drops Lavender
3  drops Lemon

Make sure the coconut has melted into the water.
Now pour the good stuff into and around the stack of napkins and watch them soak it up!  If needed, you can close the box and turn upside down for even saturation.

Partially pull the first wipe up through the opening and sniff!  Oh my, that's going to brighten your day in a flash!

All Purpose Salve
*antibacterial, antiseptic, antiviral, antifungal*
(for chapped lips, hands, heels, moisturizer, soothes burns and scrapes)

You'll find the recipe and instructions {HERE}

I dedicated this blog post to teachers especially because you're exposed to so many germs and viruses each day!  Just keep these items handy at your desk, in your backpack or purse and use it on a regular basis you will improve your immunity (and skin) by keeping your hands and work space sanitized...naturally!

Added bonus!  Best Lip Balm EVER!
(you can order tins and pots on Amazon)

Not a teacher or student?  Present a Survival Kit as a gift to your favorite teacher or a loved one who's college bound!  It will be much appreciated!

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