Friday, March 15, 2013

How to Kiss Seasonal Allergies Goodbye Naturally!

Got Hay Fever?  Ugh!

It's a miserable condition and an every day reality for many of us!  The symptoms are debilitating, frustrating and forget about wearing make-up!

Bring on the Triple Threat...

Three essential oils {100% pure} Lavender, Lemon and Peppermint will help you spell R E L I E F.  More good news!  These oils are safe for children too, application may vary.

If there's such a thing as the bright side of allergy season, this would be it...the stunning beauty of trees in bloom...

...unfortunately, followed by the annoying reality of pollen spewing trees, shrubs and flowers...

Ahhhh choo!
Enough is Enough!

To get fast relief naturally, you need Lavender, Lemon and Peppermint  - 100% pure essential oils.  Why?  Pure essential oils, like doTERRA have been tested for impurities.  If you're using oils for medicinal purposes you need the essence of a plant in it's purest form for the greatest efficacy!

Here are several protocols for allergy symptoms, pick the one that best suits you!

1.  Put 3 drops ea. of Lavender, Lemon and Peppermint in a gelatin capsule.  If you're not feeling relief in a 20 min. period, do it again.

2.  Rub the same combination of oils on your feet, then cup your hands under your nose and inhale the oils that remain on your hands.  Clean feet would be a bonus here :)

3.  If you're a bit bolder, put 2 drops of each oil in a 1/4 cup juice or water and swish around your mouth for 10 - 20 seconds then swallow.  (only with pure oils please!)

...and those baby blues...

A GREAT tip for itchy, watery eyes!  Dab Lavender with a little carrier oil like fractionated coconut oil on bones surrounding the eye.  Quick as a wink, your eyes will clear up!  Works fabulously (even my hubby admits it) and, it's good for your skin!

For the Kiddos:  1/2 the dose!

One drop of each oil added to a teaspoon of honey works beautifully for kids.  Heck, adults can take their oils this way too.  Afterall, a spoonful of honey helps the medicine go down!  

(local honey is especially good to use!)
If symptoms persist, rub the oil combo on the bottoms of their feet morning & night, this goes for adult as well!

Remember, essential oils aren't time released like OTC drugs often are, they're fast acting.  You may want to keep a small bottle of each oil with you during the day for continued ease of allergy symptoms.  Combine the oils in one bottle for even more convenience!

Here's an idea for a small Travel Pack you can customize with your oils, easily fitting in your purse, backpack or briefcase.  Click {here} to see where you can purchase the small glass dram bottles.

Here's to a clear head and a tissue free allergy season my friends!

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