Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Natural Antibiotic Remedies & Why They Work

“The ability of oils from various spices to kill infectious organisms has been recognized since antiquity. Natural oils may turn out to be valuable adjuvants or even replacements for many anti-germicidals under a variety of conditions.”  Harry G. Preuss, MD, MACN, CNS, professor of physiology and biophysics at Georgetown University.

You can find nature in one of its most powerful forms, the essence and life-force of plants found in what we commonly refer to as, essential oils.  Essential oils are derived from flowers, trees, grasses, leaves, roots and fruits.  Their powerful essence is indispensable to medicine.  Western medicine seeks to create chemical copies of essential oils because of their extremely effective and complex medical system.

Essential oils provide a system of medicine that not only is in total biochemical harmony with our bodies, but they're non-invasive too!  Their delivery system is so efficient that synthetic drugs look crude in comparison.  This is why:  Synthetic antibiotics can't penetrate the cell membrane to get at the virus but, PURE essential oils can!  

You don't have to take my word for it, read about the following studies and what the experts have to say:



Given the science, why is it that Doctors readily write prescriptions for ineffective antibiotics that break down our immunity instead of fortifying it and, are inferior to what has been under our feet and noses for centuries...NATURE.  I could write a short novel on this subject however instead, I'll encourage you to do your own research and, ask questions!  Always ask questions when seeking medical help and keep asking until you're satisfied with the answer.  Amen.

Over the course of time as I've turned to a more holistic approach to health and wellness, I've tried to blend organic ingredients to create an even more powerful remedies.  The following is an example of two natural alternatives brought together...

"Knock Your Socks Off" Antibiotic Tea

Stir a heaping teaspoon of Manuka Honey and 2 drops of Shield or On Guard Protective blends in a cup of very warm water for a powerful dose of nature's antibiotics!  Perfect for a sore throat, cold and cough, congested chest and flu symptoms.  Drink as needed.

If you've never heard of Manuka Honey that hales from New Zealand, now is the time to Google it!  This particular honey is Live, Raw, Unpasteurized and Organic. 

Manuka Honey is produced by bees who forage on the Manuka Tree (Tea Tree). 

I tell you all this because it's time to turn back to the gifts of the earth.  Nature's medicine cabinet has answers that modern medicine just can't duplicate hard as they try!  Speaking of natural medicine cabinets and the inhabitants there of...

This is a great remedy to whip up when you have a nasty cold or flu bug trying to get hold.  Start this antibiotic protocol (that works!) just as you begin to feel symptoms...   

Natural Antibiotic Blend
...in a capsule

4 drops Oregano
4 drops Lemon
4 drops Shield Protective Blend

Take 3x daily, for 5 days. 

For the nastiest of stubborn bugs, rub extra Oregano diluted with a bit of carrier oil on bottoms of feet as needed!

I hope I've been able to pique your interest in considering a better way to wellness, thousands are discovering the old (essential oils) is new again and embarking on this new journey!  I'm dedicating my time and efforts to share what I know in order to bring all of this exciting information back into the mainstream of our crazy, busy lives!  

Be Well!

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