Saturday, August 10, 2013

For External Use Only? Not Anymore!

I get this a lot...
"Essential oils should NEVER be applied directly to the skin.


"Are you crazy? I heard that you were never supposed to take essential oils internally."

These statements never offend me because in the essential oil world, traditional use of oils has gravitated to the model "for external use only" and, for good reason...until now.  Why now?  Here's a very brief history of how the apprehension and caution took hold.

A french chemist, Rene'-Maurice Gattefosse (1881-1950) studied the medicinal properties of essential oils for years while working in his family's perfume business. He wrote a book, "Aromatherapie: Les Huiles essentielles hormones vegetales" that inspired Madam Marguerite Maury, an Austrian born biochemist. She pioneered and was passionate about the use of essential oils in massage therapy.

Maury's focus was the aromatherapy component, which was tied closely with the perfume industry which was beginning to introduce synthetic oils typically used in perfume or food.  

Because of the manipulation of purity, many cautions and contra-indications for the use of essential oils applied "neat" (undiluted) or orally became the norm.

When an essential oil is manufactured, mixed with solvents to increase yield or manipulated from it's complete constituency, it's no longer safe and these cautions are absolutely correct.

Dr. Jean Valnet, M.D.

The french physician, Dr. Jean Valnet came onto the scene in World War II, healing many soldiers wounds and psyche with pure, unadulterated essential oils ie: pure plant essence.  He observed that when essential oils are extracted naturally and gently with respect to how nature provided it, from the correct place at the correct time of harvest, these same oils were no longer toxic and provided profound health benefits.

Therapeutic Grade essential oils like Spark Natural's essential oils are a powerful tool to improve your family's health and wellness.  Pure plant essence has the ability to communicate with the nervous system, calling it to action.  The essence or essential oils have a natural intelligence and are selective in how they kill bacteria, only killing the harmful and leaving the rest to help maintain our health.  God gave us a gift and if we respect it, it will and does improve lives. 

There's a vast amount of information available on the origin and history of essential oils which I encourage to you research, it's fascinating and so very important in our day and age!  

However, I'll stop here.  Hopefully, I've given you a little insight into the confusion of "why" cautions are issued. Those cautions are in place for a good reason, when essential oils when the purity and potency of essential oils has been compromised.

Be Well, Seek Understanding, Embrace Change.

In the words of Theodore Roosevelt:

"Dare Greatly..."

...and begin your own essential oil journey!

Enjoy a 10% discount on every Spark Naturals order with a CW coupon code:  campwander

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