Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Cold and Flu Remedies for the Whole Family!

An Early Flu Season
{the bad news}  

The Center for Disease Control is concerned that the early onset may mean a rough flu season.  I don't know about you but the flu season seems to get worse every year despite all the new flu vaccinations made so widely available and marketed as the latest and greatest.  Take heart, there's good news coming up!

Cold and Flu Symptoms

Did you know that every time a person coughs, 2,000 virus laden droplets shoot out into the air.  If you inhaled any or touched anything coated with them then rubbed your nose or eyes, the virus can float through your nostrils to begin burrowing into your airway's cells.  Colds attack the nose and and throat, flu virus can travel to the lungs.

Immediately, the body goes on the defensive churning out antibodies to destroy the virus.  The virus is using your body as a copy machine, rapidly multiplying and infecting cells that become swollen and burst, spreading virus everywhere.

Symptoms hit you like a freight train!  It's not the virus making you feel horrible, it's the inflammation, a result of your immune system on CODE RED.

Now for the GOOD NEWS!

We now know that putting pure essential oils to work immediately upon noticing symptoms or even at the point of being bedridden, can knock this nasty virus all the way into next week!  So grateful for Mother Nature's wisdom.

Ready from some Remedies??
First of all, while essential oils are my GO TO for just about everything, there are lots of ways to support the use of EOs.  Nature gives us many gifts and using them together creates balance.

For instance, lots of great remedies can be created with honey and apple cider vinegar, these pair beautifully with EOs!  I think it's important to have a broad knowledge of all natural remedies and experiment with combining them so one can enhance the other.  

Here you see one of my favorite soothing drinks, oolong tea with a teaspoon of magic, Manuka honey.

In the flourishing, healthy community of EO users, many of us have come to depend on the Cold & Flu Bomb protocol because it absolutely, swear on a stack of bibles, stick a needle in my eye, hope to die - WORKS!  And though there are numerous variations of "the bomb", in our family we go for this triple threat:

Cold & Flu Bomb
3 drops each in a gel capsule 4x daily:

Tip:  If capsules aren't an option, combine in a **glass roll-on bottle and apply to soles of feet!

Remember those 2,000 virus-laden droplets flying through the air with just one uncovered cough?  Airborne pathogens all over everything...yuck!   This is where a good diffuser is invaluable!   Every home needs one...not to mention the office, classroom, hospital and doctor office.  Why?  Diffusing essential oils into the air kills nasty airborne virus-laden pathogens. Leading hospitals like Vanderbilt Medical Center have come to this realization too and diffuse in their ER {Click Here for FOX news video}.

Never Underestimate the Power of a Diffuser!

I strongly recommend diffusing Shield in your home through flu season.  As family members return home each day, they bring home unwanted germs. Take precautions and diffuse!  
Tip:  Shield can be rolled on bottoms of feet before everyone leaves the house too, another great preventative measure and extra immunity protection throughout their day!

Here's another example of combining Nature's gifts to create one great big benefit:  Antibiotic Tea...

When sick or even starting to feel symptoms, fix yourself a cup of this delicious tea!  It's simple with naturally occurring antibiotic properties, increase the antibiotic strength by using Manuka honey. Simply add 2 to 3 drops of Shield, 1 drop Lemon and a teaspoon of honey {preferably Manuka} to a cup of warm water and sip throughout the day.  This is great for kids too!

An Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Pound of Cure.

I leave you with one last preventative, WASH YOUR HANDS! The Center for Disease Control advises us to wash our hands often to prevent the spread of virus.  Of course, we should sanitize responsibly by using gentle, natural products.  Try this blend of essential oils with multiple uses and properties!

As always, enjoy the CW 10% discount on your Spark Naturals order with this coupon code:

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