Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Just Like Mom's but Just for Kids!

That's right, just for kids!
{age 6 and older}

We all know kids learn by example.  Kids love to mimic Mom, especially when they see her doing something new and interesting like using EOs in the home.  Right?  This is a hands on teaching moment just for kids, it's about helping them learn to choose natural alternatives like essential oils.  With their very own box of kid friendly blends they can feel empowered just like we do! 

I chose four HIGHLY DILUTED blends to introduce to kids, giving them the opportunity to be a "mini me" of Mom (or Dad) as the healer in the home.  Think about it, what a great way to teach your kids that someday they'll be responsible for their health and reaching for natural alternatives is always a wise choice.

Each 5ml roller bottle has 4 drops of PURE essential oils.  The remainder of the bottle is filled with fractionated coconut oil.  

The blends are not toys, even highly diluted.  

It will be important to teach your kids to respect that each of their bottles are tools for wellness, their wellness!  Have fun with it and take advantage of all the teaching moments that are exploding all around you!  Occasional chaos, you know the drill ;)

I've chosen 4 blends to address our kids daily needs, you can change them to suit your own kids and your household this post just serves as an example to go by...

OUCH!  ...an antiseptic, antibacterial, antifungal blend

In a 5ml roller bottle...

2 drops Lavender
2 drops Melaleuca

...top bottle off with fractionated coconut oil

This bottle might save you a whole bunch of bandaids.  Our grand kids love to race for the bandaid box at the slightest scratch, now they can pretend they're all grown up by dabbing their scraped knee with a fragrant army of little healing soldiers instead!  

HEALTHY!  ...a protective immunity blend

In a 5ml roller bottle...

4 drops Shield Protective Blend

...top bottle off with fractionated coconut oil 

Explain that this bottle can keep you well and guard against cold and flu bugs!  Of course, you might need to subsidize your child's kid strength application with your full strength one but they'll catch on and most likely race to apply theirs first.

HAPPY! ...a mood improving blend

In a 5ml roller bottle...

...top bottle off with fractionated coconut oil

Oh, the far reaching benefits of Jeddy's Blend!  Not only is it good for your kids in school to help them focus and stay on task it's wonderful at helping cranky toddlers feel happier - like a couple of 2 yr olds I know and love :)

SWEET DREAMS! ...a sleepy head blend

In a 5ml roller bottle

2 drops Lavender
2 drops Zen Grounding Blend

...top bottle off with fractionated coconut oil

I love the fragrance of this pair, a nice calming blend to help relax at bedtime.  This combination is nice to dab under your nose too.


I need to reiterate that these blends aren't for play.  Even though the EOs are highly diluted, they're still special and lightly effective, kids can be taught to know and respect this :)

The End! 

The 4pack TIN with precision cut foam and 1/8 oz Roller Bottles can be purchased {HERE}

As always, please enjoy a CW discount on all Spark Naturals orders with this coupon code:  campwander

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