Thursday, September 5, 2013

The NEW Camp Wander Travel Tin!

I ask you, how can you not love an Altoid tin?  

That said, let us get on with the subject at hand...

How can you keep key essentials oils handy when you're out and about?  Why should you?  AND, which EOs are the most versatile for road trippin?


These are the EOs I seem to reach for again and again for their versatility and effectiveness.

Liquid Xanax:  This is a creative blend by Passion Pill (my niece). Maggie reached for two EOs in a crisis situation that saw her through a nasty anxiety attack.  The nickname Liquid Xanax has stuck :)  We blend it with two Spark Naturals blends, Zen and Bliss.  Any time you're away from home, Liquid Xanax is an all round excellent EO to have with you.  Qualities: sedative, pain reliever, mood moderator, reduce anxiety, relaxe muscle, anti-carcinogenic (frankincense), fights depression, bacteria and insects.  When you read the list of EOs that comprise this blend, you'll understand it's wide range of benefits!  

Lemon:  Talk about liquid sunshine, this is it!  Great cleansing agent, externally and internally.  Put 2 drops in a glass of water to detoxify. Add a bit of honey to 1 drop of lemon EO to soothe a sore throat.  Kids have a runny nose?  Put a drop of lemon on your finger and swipe each side of their nose, works like a charm!  Cold sore?  Dab with a little lemon to disinfect and dry it up.  Mood elevation!  I reach for this bottle all the time when I'm in restaurant, I like to add Lemon to unfamiliar water.

Headache Buster w/ Birch:  This is my sister Dori's creation that has quickly become a favorite go to blend for pain relief including headaches, migraines and localized pain.  I give more bottles of this blend away than anything else.  No matter where I roam, someone is experiencing a headache or some kind of pain.  For headaches, apply a drop or two on temples, base of brain stem, forehead or any area of localized pain for quick, natural relief!  I'm never without this blend.  {Click Here}

*Wintergreen and Birch should not be used if you are allergic to aspirin. *Caution: People with epilepsy should avoid Birch Essential Oil because it has high concentration of methyl salicylate. This oil should also be avoided by during pregnancy. Test a small sample on your skin before using this oil topically.

The All Purpose Healing Stick:  The great bacteria slayer! A powerful antiseptic, antibacterial and anti-fungal blend of Melaleuca, Lavender and Frankincense.  Really, what CAN'T these EOs take on?  Together  they're a healing machine and mixed with good Witch Hazel?  Oh mama!  As I mentioned above, with those properties you can have success with the Healing Stick for clearing up blemishes, disinfecting and healing cuts, burns, bruises, scrapes and bug bites, athletes foot too.  All round great EO blend to take with you in case of cuts or infection...especially for kids! Don't forget about the gym bag too.

Shield:  A proprietary oil blend by Spark Naturals especially effective in fighting the spread of air born viruses.  It's one of the most powerful EOs in fighting off illness, including viruses!  A couple of drops on the bottom of your feet first thing in the morning will protect you all day.  Studies have proven far fewer illnesses in the classroom when Shield is diffused into the air. Sitting on a train or in a taxi?  Break out this EO and rub a drop on your wrists and inhale.  Anytime you're exposed to colds to flu, use Shield! 

L.L.P. Allergy Blend:  A brilliantly time saving blend of Lavender, Lemon and Peppermint, a natural antihistamine.  If you suffer from allergies, do yourself a favor and try a natural remedy that won't bog you down with the drowsies or that awful fuzzy feeling.  I like to keep LLP on hand for those small emergencies like a mild allergic skin reaction.  Of course, this blend won't replace an epi pen but if my epi pen was no where to be found this is what I would reach for while waiting for medical attention.  To learn more about this natural antihistamine {Click Here}.


As you can see, I glued a piece of non-slip shelf liner to the bottom of the tin as well as inside the lid.  This is for both protection of your glass bottles and a way to attach bandaids etc. with a handy to have safety pin.  Use your imagination, supply your Travel Tin with items that serve your needs!

All this, packed into one very cool, repurposed Altoid tin will see you through many a "moment" if you keep your wits and your EOs nearby wherever you roam!


Altoid Tins:  Costco sells a pack of 12 for $13.99
Stainless Steel Ball Roller Bottle:  Spark Naturals {Click Here}
5/8 dram Sample Bottles:  Spark Naturals {Click Here}
1 dram Sample Bottle:  Amazon {Click Here}
Non Slip Shelf Liner:  Amazon {Click Here}
Avery Freezer Labels:  Amazon {Click Here}

Update:  Due to a few requests, we're making the Travel Kit available for purchase!  The price is $52.95 with shipping anywhere in the United States. Thanks so much!

As always, please enjoy the CW 10% discount on all Spark Naturals orders:  coupon code:  campwander

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