Sunday, July 22, 2012

9 Things I Always Knew Were Good For Me

Last week I ran across an article written by Maria Rodale who must have gotten in my head somehow.  As I read her list of 10 good things...I was shouting amen and hallelujah sister all the way down the list.  Validation is a beautiful thing!  

9 Things I Knew...

1.  Coffee:  I was 41 when I had my first cup of coffee.  The reasons aren't important but, I knew in my heart that it couldn't be all is natural and the world LOVED it so!  (brb, must brew).  Life as I knew it changed after my first cup.  Even though my upbringing taught me differently, coffee has become one of my greatest joys and, my life is brighter because of it!  

2.  The whole (organic) egg:  I too stuck with the yolk while others shouted "FOUL" (hehe).  Remember when white was in and yellow was out?  My favorite part is the yolk, that's where all the good stuff is!

3.  Nature's Fats:  Organic butter, olive oil and even lard are what I'm talking about.  Fat is necessary for a healthy diet, there are foods that the body can't digest without healthy fats  like spinach and kale.  As long as these fats are organic and natural (without chemicals or engineered) and used in moderation, they can be part of a healthy diet.  

4.  Sunlight:  When did the sun become the enemy?  I've always loved the sun!  I feel rejuvenated and alive when exposed to sunlight.  The emphasis on sunscreen has become excessive to the point that people avoid sunshine at all costs! I'm not saying that sunscreen is all bad, but as a society, we've  become increasingly vitamin D deficient which is essential for good health!  Get out and enjoy the sunshine and, your "healthy (in moderation) tan".  

5.  Chocolate:  Nature provides and mandates that anything that tastes so good must have some healthy qualities (amen!).  For me, chocolate is right up there with coffee...a joy, in moderation of course (says my jeans).

6.  Buy organic:  I've been a believer and a consumer of organic products for years!  Even before the farmer's market and buy local movement became popular, I looked for and bought organic food.  I'm an avid organic gardener because it feels right.  I don't understand how people look the other way and buy cheap, chemical laden foods to feed their body.  Now, there's plenty of evidence to back up my hunch that organic foods and gardening are the right thing to do.  Never before have we had such high rates of cancer, diabetes, allergies and autism.  

7.  Getting out in nature:  More and more people isolate themselves from nature because they're too busy or it's too dirty.  For me, nature is one big AHA moment.  There is no place else that makes me feel centered or at home than being outside.  Get dirty, let your kids get dirty, climb a tree or hike a trail.  Get healthy, save money and cancel your therapist appointment, visit a National Park!

8.  Get some sleep:  Does anyone remember the movie "Baby Boom" with Diane Keaton?  She played the part of a high powered marketing exec in New York who had it all...or so she thought.  When did it become vogue to work and not sleep?  I'd rather get 8 hrs, early to bed and early to rise!  Like I've said before, I must have farmer's blood in my veins because that my natural rhythm.

9.  Laugh!:  Everyone must know's pretty much a no-brainer, no rocket scientist needed...but maybe a  neuroscientist?  I love this:  When in doubt, choose comedy over tragedy, laughter over tears and common sense over peer pressure.  I've always detested scary or sad movies, books or plays.  Why on earth would I want to spend my precious free time creating anxiety for myself?  

Thank you Maria Rodale for your insightful list!  If you get the chance, check out her blog, Maria's Farm Country Kitchen, I love it!

What did you always "know"?

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