Friday, July 20, 2012

How to Repel Bed Bugs...Naturally

Unlike the last post, the pretty lavender spritzer for linen and home, this post is gross, sick and gag reflex worthy!  I could talk myself out of staying in a hotel for the rest of my days after reading about bed bugs.

*shudder*  *cringe*  *gasp*

Bed bugs ugh!  I know this isn't a pretty subject but if you're vacationing this summer in a hostel, hotel or any other place where large numbers of people sleep, we need to know this stuff!

Bed bugs can be found in the swankiest hotels and the humblest  hostels.  The little buggers are no discriminators of taste but, they're particular of their habitat and who they dine on.

I should post a photo of a bed bug but I can't do it!  I can't!  You can google it if your curiosity is getting the better of you. I've seen enough vermin on enough websites to last a good long while.

The glaring truth of the matter is that when traveling, you don't know if you're going to come in contact with bed bugs because even the newest, trendiest hotels can be infested.  Sad but true.  Why not give yourself some peace of mind by mixing up a spritzer of "Bed Bug be Gone" for your next trip.  This spritz is made with key essential oils that will send the buggers packing instead of you!

Buy some small glass spray bottles that will fit in your luggage.  If you're going to carry it with you on the plane, make sure it meets TSA regulations.  Here's a link to a great source for all sizes of glass bottles, Aroma Tools.

Recipe for "Bed Bug be Gone" Spritz

1  C. water
10  drops lavender 
10  drops rosemary
10  drops eucalyptus 
3  drops clove 
1  teaspoon vodka (acts as an emulsifier)

Fill several bottles, use some as refills or distribute to fellow travel buddies.  When you get to your hotel room, do not put your suitcase on the bed or the floor, use a luggage rack or set in the shower.  Pull back the comforter and sheets and spray between all layer.  Essential oils are not oily so don't worry about staining the linens.

FYI - Lavender is a well known insect repellent.  Interesting that something so fragrant repels bugs!  Of course, my hopes for all of us is that we never encounter horrid bed bugs at all the words of UPS...

 Expect the unexpected. 

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